This Official Mississippi Roadside Memorial Registry page will allow you to register, plot, pin point and pay tribute to your loved one(s) Roadside Memorial for the State of Mississippi MS. The regulation, rules, laws, policy, procedures and or guidelines etc information provided below for the Mississippi State Roadside Memorials is ever changing and we will do our best to maintain this information for you. If you have new or updated regulation information that we have not posted, please let us know HERE.

Support the Mississippi MS State Flag Roadside Memorial Registry Page.
Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials are set in place to remember loved ones killed in roadside accidents, but Mississippi HIgher Ups in the DOT and Govt say they are very dangerous and distracting to other roadway users. The State of Mississippi and DOT want Roadside Memorials removed from interstates and state-maintained highways. Mississippi MS MDOT workers started removing some roadside memorials earlier this year 2013.
Mississippi MS MDOT Crews Taking Up Some Roadside Memorials For Safety Reasons.
Roadside Memorials…..Mississippi Department of Transportation Information on Highway Memorials
• MDOT’s mission is to promote safety for people traveling and working on Mississippi Highways. Removing and preventing distractions to the traveling public and placing safety enhancements such as rumble strips, cable rail, lighting, etc., assists MDOT in providing a safe highway system.
• Blocking or parking on the Right of Way is a safety violation. Any area remotely close to a highway is an extremely dangerous location.
• Distracted driving has become one of the biggest threats to motorists and highway workers today.
• In the last decade, Mississippi has averaged over 780 deaths a year as a result of traffic crashes. Over this same time period, the occurrence of distractions (radios, cell phones, environmental, etc.) being a factor in traffic crashes has increased nationwide. Memorial activity adds another distraction which could seriously injure or kill another motorist. MDOT’s mission is to provide the safest transportation network possible for all road users.
• The shoulder of a highway is to be used during emergencies only as required by Rule 941-7501-09001, “Rules, Regulations and Ordinances Governing the Use of State Highways of Mississippi,” adopted by the Transportation Commission via the powers described in Section 65-1-8 Mississippi Code (See No. 11) and the Code of Federal Regulations.
• MDOT is charged with maintaining the right of way free of encroachments to enable motorists to recover when leaving the roadway. This is required by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). If MDOT does not keep the right of way free of encroachments, we risk losing federal funds. Not only are memorials a hazard for vehicles leaving the roadway but vehicles parked along the roadside to erect and/or maintain a memorial creates an unsafe condition for motorists and those stopping on the roadside.
• There are many alternatives to highway memorials. One is the “ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY” program. You can find more information on the program at
• MDOT is asking everyone to refrain from placing memorials on the side of Mississippi Highways in the Right of Way and has developed procedures for the removal and storage of existing memorials.
MDOT Mississippi MS DOT enforces crack down on roadside memorials
Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials Questions:
Should Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials be allowed?
Who removed my Mississippi MS Roadside Memorial?
Do Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials cause safety issues and concerns?
Are Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials distracting?
Mississippi MS Roadside Memorial Controversy?
Should Roadside Memorials be banned in Mississippi MS?
What are the Mississippi MS State Rules or Laws for Roadside Memorials?
Does Mississippi MS have Roadside Memorial programs?
Can I make a permanent Roadside Memorial in Mississippi MS?
Can I put a Roadside Memorial on Private Property in Mississippi MS?
How much do Mississippi MS Roadside Memorial permits cost?
In Mississippi MS, how long do Roadside Memorial permits last?
Do Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials distract other drivers?
Do Roadside Memorials cause issues in Mississippi MS?
Do Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials cause Maintenance issues?
Are Roadside Memorials illegal in Mississippi MS?
Where do I apply for an Mississippi MS Roadside Memorial permit or program?
How do I apply for a Roadside Memorial in my state of Mississippi MS?
How To, About, Can I, Where, Rules, Who, How Much Cost, Limits
,,,GRRRR for my State of Mississippi MS to put up a Road Side Memorial?
Are Mississippi MS Roadside Memorials legal?
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