In a tragic and devastating accident, a skydiving plane crashes with 11 people on it. The incident happened on June 21, 2019, when a plane crashed shortly after takeoff in Hawaii. The Medical Examiner released the names of all the victims that were there in that tragic plane. Their names are:
Joshua Drablos
Nikolas Glebov
Daniel Herndon
Michael Martin
Jordan Tehero
Ashley Weikel
Bryan Weikel
Larry Lemaster
Casey Williamson
Jordan Tehero was just 23 years old when he died in that tragic accident. He wants to be a Skydiving video grapher and wants to explore new adventures. All the people who were killed in that accident were dearly missed by their families.
Names of people who died: Joshua Drablos, Nikolas Glebov, Daniel Herndon, Michael Martin, Jordan Tehero, Ashley Weikel, Bryan Weikel, Larry Lemaster, Casey Williamson