I saw this very elaborate tribute site along US-30 in Plymouth, Indiana in front of the Pioneer seed company. I will return to get the details at a later date.
Update: I found out that his memorial is dedicated to the memory of Indiana State Police Master Motor Carrier Inspector Ralph “Ray” Reed. Max 98.3 FM radio has published a story about it showing a very nice picture of Mr. Ralph Reed who died on August 3, 1995. The Indiana State Police have written a memorial about the life of Ralph here. We are so very thankful but sad about his tragic loss.
I have a passion for eliminating roadway accidents after having seen so much pain and suffering caused by them around the world. My background is in mechanical engineering where I began my career with Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan working in Body Engineering. I remember the first test crash I watched and how sick my stomach felt when the car crashed into the concrete wall. This memory is forever "cemented" into my mind. As an aircraft pilot I was always focused upon safety procedures, and this way of thinking has made its way into my research into automotive safety. In a desire to end traffic accidents I created this Roadside Tribute site and manage a sister site RoadsideMemorialTributes.com web sites. I also created and manage the Christians for Christ Ministries https://www.christiansforchrist.com web site and a sister site to Roadside Tribute for drowning victims called Lakeside Tribute https://lakesidetribute.com/. My daytime job is to manage and implement the digital marketing programs for User Friendly Consulting, Inc.
Date of the Accident: 08/02/1995
Names of people who died: Indiana State Police Master Motor Carrier Inspector Ralph “Ray” Reed