I saw this roadside tribute site along highway 205 just north of US 30. That is just east of Columbia City, Indiana. The marker said the date of the accident was in 2012, we don’t know the exact date until I found it online, 10-25-2012. The news article said that Rachel was from Churubusco, Indiana.
I have a passion for eliminating roadway accidents after having seen so much pain and suffering caused by them around the world. My background is in mechanical engineering where I began my career with Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan working in Body Engineering. I remember the first test crash I watched and how sick my stomach felt when the car crashed into the concrete wall. This memory is forever "cemented" into my mind. As an aircraft pilot I was always focused upon safety procedures, and this way of thinking has made its way into my research into automotive safety. In a desire to end traffic accidents I created this Roadside Tribute site and manage a sister site RoadsideMemorialTributes.com web sites. I also created and manage the Christians for Christ Ministries https://www.christiansforchrist.com web site and a sister site to Roadside Tribute for drowning victims called Lakeside Tribute https://lakesidetribute.com/. My daytime job is to manage and implement the digital marketing programs for User Friendly Consulting, Inc.